Update: Due to a huge backlog, we are currently closed to guest post submissions.

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Join us as a guest blogger

ProWritingAid is used by thousands of writers. It is more than just a website; it is a community.

What's in it for you?

By writing a guest blog post, you will be helping other writers. Yay! I'm sure that's reason enough. We'll throw in a couple extra perks just in case:

  • A free Premium licence: If we publish your piece, then we will give you a free 1-year ProWritingAid Premium licence ($50 value).
  • Access to our database of writers: All blog posts are emailed out to over 115,000 writers with links to you and/or your website.
  • Promotion across our social media: All blog posts are shared across our social media accounts and, whenever possible, we will link to your social media too.

What should you write about?

Our blog focuses on five key areas: The Writing Process, Blogging and Content Writing, Grammar Rules, Writing Apps, How to Use ProWritingAid

We love blog posts that give practical advice to writers to help them improve their writing practice, or inspirational posts to help keep them motivated. Below are some great guest posts from the past:

Advice from Kurt Vonnegut that Every Writer Needs to Read

How Literary Devices Can Add Depth to Your Writing

10 free writing apps and tools

How to do Copywriting for SEO

How to Construct a 3D Main Character

The Drafts Your Novel Needs (and Why You Probably Won't Use a Single Word of Your First Draft!)

You are welcome to pitch a selection of topics in advance of writing. Please do not ask us to suggest topics for you.

How should you write it?

Your writing needs to be excellent - run it through ProWritingAid before you send it to us! Since our mandate is to help improve our users' writing, we would look a bit silly if our own guest posts weren't pretty airtight.

We look for a catchy title, a strong introduction, a well-formed argument, and a useful concluding paragraph.

Make sure that it doesn't feel advertorial for your own site/product.

What should you include?

Please include at least one link within your post to other posts on the ProWritingAid blog.

Please include a two sentence bio at the bottom of your submission.

What are the rules?

Boring we know, but there are just a few rules you need to stick by to get your post published here:

  • Always provide only absolutely unique content (as a guest post).
  • Always provide high-quality valuable information in your guest post.
  • Self-serving links should be restricted to the by-line, there should be none in the main text.
  • We're sorry but we no longer link to essay-writing services. We feel strongly that students should be writing their own papers.

Where should you send it?

Please email your post as a word document to submissions@prowritingaid.com or share a google doc to the same address.

Can we write a guest post for you?

We love guest posting on other great blogs too! Please do get in touch if you would like ProWritingAid to generate some writing tips and techniques for your site.